Apr 25, 2012

                How to Write a Paragraph
      Everyone needs to know how to write a paragraph. To write good paragraph is very important for writing. The following steps will help us to know how to write it better. First of all, we have to understand the topic of the essay that we will write about. We need to write the topic sentence. The first step is very necessary for us in order to continue to write the paragraph, because all of the sentences will relate to the topic sentence. In addition, we need to write details in order to explain and support the paragraph stronger. If the paragraph does not have the supporting details, it cannot be a complete paragraph. Finally, we need concluding sentence which shows what we want to tell. Concluding sentence is as important as the topic sentence. Writing paragraphs cannot lack any of these steps. Therefore, to write the good paragraph, we have to keep in mind and follow these steps that I gave.

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