Apr 11, 2012

live in the US

         I have been in the U.S. to live for 3 years. I know a lot about the Health and Medical here. First, I know the Emergency Rooms are open 24 hours a day, but they are expensive. Second, the urgent care centers are faster and less expensive than a visit to the ER, but are usually not open all the time. Third, in the U.S. Health care system, buying your own health insurance can be expensive; but it can reduce large medical bills, and should understand some rules. In addition, when you see a doctor or fill out medical forms, you will be asked some questions and communicate with your doctor. Finally, you need to get a prescription from a doctor for a special medication. Check the expiration dates, and do not use medicine that has expired. If you feel sick, you should use the Thermometer and if you aren’t sure how dangerous the fever is, call a doctor or health clinic.


  1. Anonymous4/16/2012

    Your blog is very abundant,it not only has picture,but also has video and website.it`s let me learn a lot.

  2. thank you liwen i learn something about us i really need this keep going
